The AMN parent company is responsible for the overall management of the Group. It is responsible for identifying and developing the opportunities in each individual country, preparing business plans, engaging with customers (the licensed mobile network Operators) and subcontractors, raising funding for the network build, set up of the local operating company and appointment of key management and technical staff, centralised procurement/logistics management and on-going management of the business. The head office is responsible for managing the technology and maintaining latest design documentation and bill of materials. The head office also houses the GNOC (Global Network Operations Centre) and the Network Planning teams which support the AMN OpCos across the African continent.
The AMN operating companies are responsible for execution of the country business plan, managing the contracts with customers and suppliers, project management and the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the network. All of AMN's revenue is generated in Africa and the vast majority of AMN's employees are African and based in Africa. AMN employs no expats and all positions, from Country Managers to maintenance engineers to admin staff, are held by local nationals.
AMN has a strong management team and independent supervisory board of directors. AMN is privately owned with 18 different shareholders, comprising the founders, angel investors, a VC fund and one strategic investor. AMN's employees collectively hold options representing nearly 20% ownership of the Company.
Mission and Vision
The mission of AMN is to build mobile network base stations serving rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa which have no existing service, providing existing licensed mobile network operators with a capex-free route to add new subscribers and new revenues and with incremental costs which deliver guaranteed operating profits - and with sufficient population to deliver positive operating profits and cash flows for our shareholders.
The vision of AMN is a fully connected Africa, with no community of any significant size being without basic telecommunications services to deliver social, economic, educational and other benefits to the population - achieved through the construction of many tens of thousands of new mobile network base stations.
AMN Values and Code of Conduct
AMN is a commercial company with a primary responsibility to deliver value to its shareholders. At the same time, AMN is proud to do so through business activities which have a significant positive social and economic impact on the communities we serve.
AMN has set out five core principles which guide our decision-making processes in everything we do. AMN aims to conduct itself with all parties and at all times:
- With integrity - being honest with all parties at all times, and having strong moral principles
- Ethically - following the generally accepted principles of what is right and what is wrong
- Fairly - being just and even-handed in our approach with all parties
- Trusted - being relied upon to do what we say and in the right way
- Legally - abiding by all the laws of the countries in which we operate and all those with which ourselves, our suppliers and our customers are affiliated

Michael Darcy

Jim Lunn

William Kane

Jules Degila